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Cleveland Rocks!! And so does performance ART!

24 Mar
For reference - old school

For reference – old school

I came up to Cleveland (more specifically Peninsula, OH) to visit my cousin and partner-in-crime Stephanie (aka Stephalou, Ludas, Stebby, Steve…) and her sweet man, Nathan. The point of the visit was to hang out, catch up, drink wine and eat good food together.  We succeeded on all points.  Along with visiting SPACES Gallery, West Side Market, the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, we ate at two fantastic restaurants – Taki’s Greek Kitchen and Taza Lebanese Grill.

Here I want to talk about an exhibition I saw….and how I love to see women artists doing great performance-based work.

MOCA Cleveland

MOCA Cleveland

When we visited MOCA today, one of the current exhibitions was Kate Gilmore: Body of Works.  I thoroughly enjoyed the exhibition.  The remnants of a performance were what made up the exhibition along with video documentation of other past performance works.

Kate Gilmore at MOCA

Kate Gilmore at MOCA

In her performances, Gilmore appears “dolled-up” in obviously feminine clothing – sequin dresses, panty hose, heels, etc.  While dressed this way, she puts herself in physically challenging situations forcing us to think about feminist issues and the difficulties that women have gone through and still do.  It’s a bit literal at times, but I think that is ok….I still really liked the work.  The exhibition surveys 10 years of Gilmore’s performance-based works.  She has a pretty impressive exhibition history including her inclusion in the Whitney Biennial in 2010.

The exhibition also made me think of two other artists.  First – Ana Mendieta.  This reference is obvious in that Mendieta’s work is autobiographical and she uses her own body in most of the work.  I looked at her work quite a bit when I was in graduate school so it was nice to be reminded of her today.  The Hirshhorn Museum always had her work out — it was a favorite stop of mine whenever I visited DC.

Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta

The other artist that Gilmore’s exhibition made me think of is Vanessa Beecroft.  For one, I have been working Vanessa and her team on an upcoming exhibition at Dallas Contemporary in September.  The exhibition at DC will be made up mostly of the remnants of a live performance – imagine 20 female models completely painted in white which look like classical marble sculptures sitting in the space.  Her performance are beautiful, sensual and with references to feminist issues. It’s going to be kiiiillllller.  Mark your calendars for Saturday September 21.

Vanessa Beecroft

Vanessa Beecroft

Vanessa Beecrofit

Vanessa Beecrofit

Vanessa Beecroft

Vanessa Beecroft

So…..FINALLY…’s almost time for me to board the plane.  Love you.  Bye bye Cleveland!!

Zuzu Fridays z10 ———— Tequila + Art = LOVE

30 Nov
Casa Dragones special edition bottle with Gabriel Orozco

Casa Dragones special edition bottle with Gabriel Orozco

I had the opportunity to attend an event Wednesday night where Casa Dragones unveiled their new bottle – a collaboration with Mexican artist Gabriel Orozco (I’m a huge fan of his work).

If you don’t know Casa Dragones tequila, you are missing out!  It is sexy, smooth and delicious.  This is the kind of tequila you pair with fine food……not the kind you mix in a margarita or do body shots with. (what??  Mom, that link is for you….new vocab).

One of Dallas Contemporary’s board members was extremely generous and offered their home for the event.  The house was the backdrop for a killer art collection with a Frank Stella painting (shout out to JonB!), Tony Cragg sculpture, a handful of Damien Hirsts…..just to name a few.  Tequila was served alongside yummy bites from Doug Boster catering.

Casa Dragones brought Pedro Alonzo in from Boston to give a talk about Gabriel Orozco’s work.  It was a special treat to hear from Pedro and learn more about Orozco’s work before seeing the new bottle.

Bertha Gonzalez and Pedro Alonzo

Bertha Gonzalez and Pedro Alonzo

Then Bertha Gonzalez, the co-founder and CEO of Casa Dragones, unveiled the new bottle.  She spoke of her relationship with Orozco, love of his work, the impact he has had on the art world and the way that the collaboration came about.  CD + GO = LOVE.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE…bye bye.

See all the pics from the event here.

Me with the beautiful Roksolana Karmazyn

Me with the beautiful Roksolana Karmazyn

Me with my dear friend Jon Schwartz

Me with my dear friend Jon Schwartz

Zuzu Fridays is a weekly post about all things sexy, pervy, vampy, weird…or just plain effed up.

Zuzu Fridays z08 – Europe through my iPhone

20 Jul

Last month I made a trip to Europe for work.  I was there for a little more than 2 weeks.  4 countries:  England, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland.  9 cities:  London, Brussels, Oostende, Antwerp, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Kassel, Zurich and Basel.

It was amazing and exhausting….and amazing.  Last week I went through the photos I took on my iPhone.  It was interesting (and comical) to see what apparently sparked my interest as I made visits to collections and exhibitions, roamed around documenta13 and Art Basel, made visits to artist studios, or just while I roamed the streets.  There was similar content from city to city….but this wasn’t a conscious thing.  So this is sort of a photo essay…a bit of odd documentation from my trip.

Enjoy.  Love you.  Bye.  xoxo

Zuzu Fridays is a weekly post about all things weird, pervy, vampy, sexy…or just plain effed up.

¡Zuzu en España! z02…por fin.

26 Apr

Life in the big D has been pretty insane lately and I’m finally going to post about the rest of my trip in Spain.  Then I am back to regular Zuzu blogging.  Love you!

Upon arriving back in the great city of Madrid (after our awesome weekend in Barcelona), we were fulfilled but tired.  We had a quick dinner and then off to sleep!

The next day was a school day!  Alexa had a meeting around noon and then class in the afternoon.  I joined her on the trip to school so I could see where she studies.  It is a large university with a huge campus – Universidad Complutense de Madrid.  She showed me her route (which is quite the route).  We went to the cafeteria for a croissant and cafe and then headed to the library for some wifi.  Weefee, as they say.  It was nice for me to see where Alexa goes to school every day.  Now when she texts me about something weird about school, I will know what she is talking about.  Love it.

Once Alexa was off to school, I ventured out to La Casa Encendida (see this Zuzu Fridays entry for more on that).  I walked around the neighborhoods of Lavapies and La Latina that day.  It felt very local….as if the people in the hood all knew each other.  A nice vibe…

That night we went over to Hernan’s house for dinner.  He and his bro, Seba, whipped up a fabulous meal of yummy olives, Spanish tortilla, shrimp cocktail and then a delicious rice with seafood.  Topped off with a coffee flavored flan.  And of course, wine, wine, wine.

Spanish tortilla made with love by Seba

there was a little dancing too....

The next day, I took the day off essentially.  I chilled at Alexa’s, made a grocery list and went to get the ingredients for a Lebanese meal for Alexa’s Spanish amigos!  It was a successful grocery shopping trip (only one mishap – I didn’t weigh my own produce).  Once I got back to Alexa’s, I cracked open some wine and got cooking.  It ended up being a delicious meal….if I do say so myself.  Stuffed cabbage, squash and peppers with meat and rice, fattoush and yogurt sauce.  And of course, more wine.  In attendance:  Alexa, Hernan, Seba, Teresa, me and Teresa’s sister and Alexa’s friend that she met in Baltimore, Chelo.  So fun…and everyone was pleasantly full.

Hernan, Alexa, Chelo, Me, Teresa and Seba

The next day I did some walking around.  I went to the Prado and walked through Retiro Park to see the Crystal Palace.  I got some weird souvenirs for the girls and some children’s books in Spanish from a strip of book vendors near the Prado.

Crystal Palace

That night we made it a movie night!!  In English!!  I met Hernan and Alexa and an old man bar for some tapas and vino.  Seba joined us too.  Then we were off to see SHAME with Michael Fassbender and Casey Mulligan . Nothing much to report here.  I didn’t like the movie.

On my last day in Spain, we caught an early train to Toledo.  What a way to end my trip.  It was SO lovely there.  We walked around the little town, stopped here and there for food, wine and souvenirs, Alexa made friends with a nun who had lived in Toledo all her life and then we headed back.


sweet A

sweet H

sweet T

The next morning I had just enough time to pack and then Alexa escorted me to the airport.  We had a small run-in with the ops agent there.  She asked me and Alexa if we were mother and daughter.  We certainly didn’t want to know which one of us was the mother.  ¿WTF señorita?  Alexa gave this chick the look of death, and said something along the lines of “Hold the phone, lady.  I don’t think you want to go any further.”

We had a laugh….and then a cry because we knew it was going to be a long time until we see each other again in person.  Adios….xoxoxo.

me and A

Happy Birthday, Seeester.

25 Jan
Mandy & Patsy

Mandy & Patsy

A pretty incredible lady, friend and mom to my nieces – known as my sister Mandy, had a birthday on Saturday.  I was lucky enough to celebrate with her over the weekend.

My beautiful sister-in-law Patsy put the plans together for Mandy – a dinner with friends on Friday night.  We met at an old favorite of theirs – Edohana in Grapevine.  The crew consisted of Mandy & Patsy, Debra & Tara, Paige (we missed Sheila!), Dee & Donna and Amanda & Kelsey.

Amanda, Kelsey, Donna, Dee

I have come to know these ladies over the years.  No doubt, Mandy surrounds herself with really wonderful people…one doesn’t see a group of friends like this often.  When I’m around them, the bond they all have is very apparent and you know that each of them would do anything for the other.  Sappy? Yes.  But definitely worth mentioning…

Mandy, Patsy, Tara & Debra

Donna, Dee, Paige

Upon arrival, the old Japanese barkeep remembered Mandy from the years she used to frequent there.  He was sweet as pie and her sake was on the house.

We sat down, ordered drinks, hibachi and sushi.  Then the conversations started…the stories kept us laughing, the fire from the hibachi kept us warm (too warm at times…eyebrows singed?) and the food made our bellies full.

Someone from the restaurant got wind that it was Mandy’s birthday and they made her wear a hat that could have fit a toddler.  We all sang Happy Birthday out of tune (with a weird drumming in the background) and Mandy indulged in the birthday special – fried ice cream.

After Edohana, we went over to Esparza’s in downtown Grapevine for an after-dinner drink.  It was super fun to hang out with those gals…happy birthday to Mandy.

Me, Mandy & Patsy

Bonus birthday celebration:

Gitta and Papi were in town because they kept Bugs and Li for Mandy & Patsy’s night out on the town.  We all gathered for lunch on Saturday – Mandy’s official birthday.  Mom made Mandy’s requests – baked pork chops, sweet potatoes, pasta salad and for dessert, lemon bars.  Not a very “wintery” meal request, but hey, it was like 70 degrees outside.  God bless Texas.

These are times I’m happy to be living back here…being able to celebrate with family and eat Mom’s food (she also sent me home with enough home-cooked food for the week….LOVE).

Before, during and after lunch I played with the girls.  Have I mentioned how much I love them?

Happy Birthday, Mommy. from Erin Cluley on Vimeo.

Virginia’s Smoked Pig & Nothing From Joe

23 Jan

The Power Station, Dallas

I went to opening receptions for two really great exhibitions recently.  Virginia Overton: Deluxe at the Power Station and Joseph Havel: Plus or Minus at Talley Dunn Gallery.

The Power Station had their opening mid-day on Saturday.  It was an amazing Texas day in January with the temperature in the mid-60’s (I seemed to always mention the weather).  These are the kinds of days that make me super happy to be living in the Lone Star State.  I know these days are limited though….so I was happy as a pig in shit.

Speaking of pigs…as I walked up to the Power Station, I followed the sweet scent of smoked pork…and then I turned the corner.  Wow…they were doing it up right.

Tennessee pig at Virginia Overton

I bypassed the pork and went into the building to see the exhibition.  If you don’t know about the Power Station yet, make time to check it out.  Essentially it is a private museum started by contemporary art collectors Alden and Janelle Pinell.  The building is in the Fair Park area of Dallas and the space is FANTASTIC.  I wish I could live there.  I enjoyed the exhibition but I suppose it’s not for everyone.  If one walks in, it may seem as if there is just a truck, a tire and some other common everyday objects in the galleries….and that is exactly what it was.  Read a bit more from the Power Station press release here.

After taking a look, I went outside where people were gathered around the pig smokers and the booze.  I had a chance to talk with Virginia.  She was sweet as pie and I could have listened to her Tennessee accent all night.  We ended up not chatting about the art but chatting about the PIG.  The pig was from her family’s pig farm in Tennessee.  Her sister actually brought it on her flight – iced down in a cooler, no less.  They smoked it on site at the Power Station.  It seemed that the ritual of the pig-smoking and gathering to eat it was just as much part of the exhibition as the art inside the galleries.  I think that is fantastic.

After I left the Power Station, I went home for a quick break and then made my way up to Talley Dunn Gallery to see Joe Havel’s exhibition.  I have been fortunate enough to spend a bit of time with Joe over the last year.  It seems that on occasion we run into each other and with mutual people in common, we end up at dinner together.  He also often makes an appearance in Dallas.

Joe Havel at Tally Dunn Gallery

Joe is good people.  He is incredibly sincere and I always walk away feeling like he helped me out…a natural teacher, I suppose.  And maybe I always seem like I need advice (yikes).

Besides all of that he is a great artist.  His exhibition at Talley Dunn shows the fine sensibility that runs throughout his work.  I had seen his sculptural work in person but had not seen the “Nothing” tag installation which consists of thousands of shirt labels pinned to the wall.  It was a real treat.  And impressive.

The exhibition is up through February 25.  Go see it.

Joe Havel

Joe Havel at Tally Dunn Gallery

Joe Havel at Talley Dunn Gallery

Joe Havel at Tally Dunn Gallery

Lessons from Mister Gilbert

18 Jan

I got to hang out with my one of my favorite people (and artist) James Gilbert for the day on Sunday (check out his work here).  He was en route from Los Angeles to Detroit where he is working on shooting a video for a Dallas fashion designer this week.  I’ll be sure to keep you posted on this as I find out more…

It was a nice, Texas winter day on Sunday…with the temperature around 60.  Lovely!

We had a delicious late brunch at Bolsa (one of my Dallas faves for sure).  Bloody Mary, bruschetta tasting and flatbread with arugula, goat cheese (can’t go wrong) and grilled grapes.  Everything was so delicious.  And I always love the service there.  It’s almost as if you are just one of their friends…attentive but not too attentive and just…cool.  I like.  See food pics below.

Hanging out with James always means interesting and weird stories.  A dinner party invitation gone wrong in France, a strange and perverse moment on a movie set in L.A., a blue cheese covered pork chop that hits the ground and gets washed off (and eaten??  I’ll never tell.)…….

Along with these stories came some incredibly valuable life lessons (can you hear the slight tongue-in-cheek tone here?).

Lesson #1.

Speaking of grilled pork chops, how do you know how to tell the temperature of meat by poking it with your finger?  Let Mister Gilbert shed the light!

It should feel like different parts of your face.  Ok…follow James’s directions.




Lesson #2

When you go the thrift store, how do you tell if those cute jeans are going to fit you without trying them on??

Take the waist of the jeans and wrap it around your neck…almost like a scarf.  If it comes together around your neck as a nice fit, then those jeans are for you!

Lesson #3.

When you are out surfing (as you so often are), how do you know how much daylight you have left??

Take your hand and put it between the sun and the horizon.  How many hands you can fit between the bottom of the sun and the horizon line is how many hours of daylight you have left.  Fantastic!!

Time to paddle in, folks.

Yummy….Bolsa.  By the way, I’m still exploring Dallas restaurants.  Anyone have any favorites they suggest??